Unfortunately not if the product is used more than 3 times a week the scalp will get used to the product and it will not be very effective.
You will start noticing results after 6-12 applications
Covering the head causes sweating and opens up the follicles making it easier for the oil to penetrate 
The head has to be covered yes but anything can be used from a beenie to a scarf or a tatzz silk bonnet 
Yes maximum overnight minimum 3-4hours 
No once oil is applied to beard  no covering needed just apply and leave to soak in
NO reports of staining reported on natural blonde or dyed blonde hair
No, our new paste was manufactured for clients that dont have time to xober the head, so just apply to the scalp and leave 3-5 hours or maximum overnight 
Unfortunately not please always wash out oil first then re apply, applying with not washing out maximum after 24hours would cause product build up and clog the follicles
Scoop out a pea size amount and apply to the entire scalp 
No, but its always good to use the full range of a brand , or atleast a shampoo and conditioner from the same brand lucky for you all our supplementary products have our growth herb in it